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Visite de l'entreprise Merbag

L'entrepreneuriat à l'ECG | 21.01.2020

On 14th January 2020, the students of the École de Commerce et de Gestion - School of Business and Management’s 3eGCM1 received the exceptional opportunity to visit Merbag S.A. located in Hollerich as a part of their entrepreneurial education.

Initially focusing on apprenticeships, the students were furthermore able to gather a wealth of information in regard to the workings of a company specialising in a number of car-related business activities, as well as the various careers and positions it offers.
During the 2-hour visit, the 19 students displayed keen interest and curiosity, seeking answers to previously thought-out questions, which were promptly answered by Merbag representative Mr. Mees. This visit resulted in a valuable experience for students and teachers alike and was greatly appreciated by all parties involved.

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