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The ECG – ESG offers four years of secondary education

The four years of secondary education are divided into two individual phases: the cycle moyen (4e and 3e) allowing access to more general training in the fields of administration and commerce, and the cycle supérieur (2e and 1re) providing the opportunity to specialise in the fields of management and communication.

Admission requirements

Admission to the school programme prerequisites passing a 5G at globalement avancé level, as well as the following additional requirements:

  • passing French language classes with a high mark at avancé level and
  • passing either German language classes or English language classes with a high mark at avancé level


In 4GCM and 3GCM, learners will be able to profit from a general education with a focus on economics and administration. After the 3GCM, they will then have the choice between opting for a continuation of their career with a focus on management or on communication and administration respectively.

The management section GCG focuses on accounting and economic and financial analysis. Business management will furthermore require knowledge in informatics and mathematics.

The communication and administration section GCC, on the other hand, revolves around teaching both theoretical and practical skills required ion administration, commerce and organisation. Computer-based accounting skills, as well as communication and organisation techniques will allow the learners to understand and master administrative techniques relevant to secretariat.


Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires générales division administrative et commerciale

This diploma allows access to a range of jobs in the fields of administration and management at both private companies as well as the government, while also offering the possibility of pursuing higher education at universities or other institutions in the fields of economy, law and accounting.