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BTS Executive assistant

Post-secondary BTS education aims at developing general and professional skills required to face the responsibilities and requirements within the private sector, an association, or in an administration. It is intended for motivated and versatile students who wish to complement their secondary education in order to increase their chances of finding a job.

The BTS executive assistant provides a very broad training which revolves around four key points:

  • Communication and organisation
  • Written and oral expression
  • General knowledge in Economics and Law
  • Management techniques and tools

The theoretical concepts taught during this degree are set into a Luxembourgish economic and legal context. To allow students to integrate into an international context, emphasis is put on the development of language skills. On a regular basis, the students put their professional knowledge into practice by participating in the organisation of internal and external events. These activities help develop the candidates’ ability to integrate into a working environment and to work in teams.

Since BTS studies strive to provide exhaustive training relevant to the professional world, the ECG has installed a 19-week internship to promote the autonomy of the candidates. Students conclude their training by carrying out and presenting an individual project focused on their speciality.

The executive assistant will be able to support a team in the management of their projects and activities. Endowed with a good general knowledge, they gather and process information with the help of technological solutions and IT equipment. They organise and coordinate activities on behalf of their supervisor. They will be able to exercise discretion, work autonomously and stand out due to their interpersonal skills and versatility.

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Opportunities in various sectors

Executive assistants will be able to find a job in larger as well as small and medium-sized firms in the manufacturing and service sector, in the public sector, in an administration or an association. The holder of a BTS executive assistant diploma can exercise their profession on an individual basis, in a team or an executive management.

A multitude of jobs

At an early stage of their career, they will mainly complete administrative tasks. Depending on the size of the company, their daily tasks will encompass various responsibilities and missions: in a small company, the executive assistant is mainly in charge of staff administration and completing support services. As the assistant of an executive, they solve the problems related to the daily business of the department. Over time and with increasing experience, the executive assistant acquires autonomy in the area of organisation as well as communication.

Business day BTS Assistant de direction


Désireuse de rapprocher encore davantage les étudiants avec le monde professionnel et ses exigences, l’ECG organise des journées destinées aux étudiants en BTS, leur permettant de découvrir des sujets importants autour du métier qu'ils aspirent à exercer.

La première journée, destinée aux étudiants du BTS Assistant de direction, était consacrée au sujet du développement personnel.

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